Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Food for thought

Lately, along with many other college students, I have been waking up in the middle of the night with anxiety about what life has in store for me. With professors not helping at all, constantly telling us our future jobs haven't been created yet, or that our jobs will be taken by asians, whose number of students with the highest IQ's out number our population of students PERIOD..you could see why we would want to choose a day out floating the river over taking the overcrowded bus to a seemingly pointless lecture.

That decision is what makes the difference from the college grads and the dropouts unfortunately so stop daydreaming and get your butt to class! This is my thought process..everyday. 

But back to the job dilemma, how can we be sure what to study for if we don't know what specific job we will have? Or for those who do know what job you want, how can you ensure you will get it and what would you do if you didn't?

Let's all just move to Mexico. Or Canada. Just kidding America is the best country in the world to live in. Seriously. As a proudly born european I can admit that, but I'll talk more about that later. I told a friend yesterday I didn't think I was ADD but after reading this over I'm starting to re-think that. Maybe being ADD is good, who wants to read something that goes together perfectly..? lol

Anyways just some food for thought guys I'll elaborate on the important matters again. Let's dedicate today to reminding ourselves not to worry and to be happy because that's all that matters!