Saturday, September 29, 2012

Beer Pancakes

Gooood Mornin peeps. I don't know what it is about Saturdays, maybe tailgating every weekend has gotten me in the habit of drinkin lots of beer..but I woke up ready to drink! What better than to satisfy two cravings at one time and throw some pancakes in the mix.

To make beer pancakes just do the same thing to make pancakes and replace the milk with beer. Boom!

Time to begin the pre game! I mean breakfast ;) GAME DAY LETS GO BOBCATS!

P.S remember I told y'all my co-anchor Fernie had to run down 3 flights of stairs to get headphones right before we were on-air live and he thinks he broke his toes? Guess what...

He dislocated his toes! This is true devotion! I can't believe it..but anyways me and Fernie have been talking about starting our own specialty show. I think it would be awesome and I'm really excited about the possibility! Ya'll tune in to hear some important news and listen to Ana and Fern every friday! 

Have a great weekend! xoxo

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Free Spirit

      I consider myself a free spirit

When I think of being a free spirit, one of the things that includes is not being the type to be tied down to a certain idea or belief. Now don't get me wrong, when I feel strongly about something it has my full devotion, but I think it is vital to be open-minded. There are so many angles and sides to things nowadays that you can't be too bent on something..but we don't want to be the type of individuals that change our morals and beliefs every other week either.

The thing to do is take in our experiences, learn from the experiences of others, and apply that to our daily decision making. When I was 7 years old my babysitter told me she didn't want to live past 40. She never wanted to have wrinkles and not be young. Since then I have heard plenty of people say the same thing, they don't want to live to be old. My viewpoint on this has been the same since I was seven, why would you want that?. Now being open-minded... I could see some validity in their points, but did they really mean that? You can imagine little Ana sitting out on her porch pondering this..and I still do. 

You never know when it will be your time and why not live life to the fullest instead of living it only partly to set yourself up for the future you may not even be lucky enough to reach? The catch is you probably don't know and won't know until that time comes. So what to do, what to do.. 

I've come to the conclusion that you must enjoy life to the best of your ability while at the same time doing what you need to do to make sure you can keep enjoying life later on. Sure doing whatever you please and dying young may be the choice for some people, but I don't think those people have evaluated the meaning of life enough. I think the meaning of life is to be happy. And I want to be happy for the longest amount of time possible. So yeah we might get old and wrinkly, but what better to show off how happy you've been than having those laugh lines?

Just some of my thoughts, let me know if you agree/disagree or have anything to add!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Gotta get down on Friday!

Friday afternoon and after going to my 9 a.m as zombie Ana, I find myself in bed. If any of you are as lucky to not have work or any other obligations and are doing the same thing..thanks for not judging me. 

I just want to start off with saying that Billy Currington couldn't have said it better when he sang "God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy"

For one, whenever I feel like something is missing or having bad vibes its always a great thing to be able to turn and get in touch with my spirituality, I believe no matter what your beliefs, it is essential to have them and be able to stay in touch with your inner self.

Secondly, BEER IS GOOD. I have many friends who don't drink beer, and all I have to say to that is baaahhaa. There is nothing better than coming home after a long day and having a cold one ya'll. I mean I could go on about the many situations in which having a cold beer would be great but that would take too long. 

People are crazy...everyone has had some crazy people in their lives whether its family members, friends or just the random crazies you're bound to come across somewhere. I cannot stress enough how important it is to remind ourselves not everyone is normal. I find myself really analyzing the actions of certain people and have finally found the answer. People are crazy and that is that. So keep the ones you know aren't wacky in the head really close and if you want keep some crazies in your life..they are pretty interesting to say the least.

Since Billy Currington has such a good way with words I decided to leave y'all with one of his throwbacks!

Oh, Billy...

I'll probably have that song on repeat for the rest of the day! Gah. Anyways after a long week it is finally the weekend! Today was a funny day at the radio station. On the one-minute countdown before we were on live we realized we didn't have any headphones and my co-anchor Fernie ran/jumped down 3 flights of stairs and thinks he broke his toes...Thankfully we made it on-air just in time and for those of you who listened hopefully we didn't sound too out of breathe!

Now its time to kick it and relaaaaxxxx
Have a great weekend, xoxo

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Food for thought

Lately, along with many other college students, I have been waking up in the middle of the night with anxiety about what life has in store for me. With professors not helping at all, constantly telling us our future jobs haven't been created yet, or that our jobs will be taken by asians, whose number of students with the highest IQ's out number our population of students could see why we would want to choose a day out floating the river over taking the overcrowded bus to a seemingly pointless lecture.

That decision is what makes the difference from the college grads and the dropouts unfortunately so stop daydreaming and get your butt to class! This is my thought process..everyday. 

But back to the job dilemma, how can we be sure what to study for if we don't know what specific job we will have? Or for those who do know what job you want, how can you ensure you will get it and what would you do if you didn't?

Let's all just move to Mexico. Or Canada. Just kidding America is the best country in the world to live in. Seriously. As a proudly born european I can admit that, but I'll talk more about that later. I told a friend yesterday I didn't think I was ADD but after reading this over I'm starting to re-think that. Maybe being ADD is good, who wants to read something that goes together perfectly..? lol

Anyways just some food for thought guys I'll elaborate on the important matters again. Let's dedicate today to reminding ourselves not to worry and to be happy because that's all that matters!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Who cares?

Hola amigos,

I wanted to write a little bit about why anyone should even read my blogs.. who cares right? 

I've always been told I could write a book about my I decided to start a blog. Simple enough right? If you get my sarcasm and light-hearted humor you will get to know me pretty well because I'm not afraid to say what I am thinking! (uh-oh I'm sounding like ramona from rhony)

I have so much love for life and everyone in mine, and only hope to share my experiences as a not-so-average junior in college.

So who cares? You obviously do.
;) please don't take me too seriously.

Until next time, xoxo
Ana Vaso

About that time

Hey ya'll!

Well this is my first blog and I will be honest and say I don't know what the hell I am doing. But like most things, I will keep a smile on and pretend I do;) It works pretty well most of the time... Today is sunday. Sunday fun day? Not so much. With most of us being drained from the first few weeks of school...okay lets be real, the first few weekends of back to school partying, a rainy weekend was long overdue. For those of you who didn't let the weather get you down, I'm sure you're waking up feeling worse than those who did...jokes on you! 

I spent most of my weekend catching up on the usual chores I had been putting off, lets face it, the realization you get every time you're doing dishes or laundry and know you're going to be doing it for the rest of your life definitely makes me want to press the rewind button and go back to the high school days..

Did I really just say that? Oh god.

Well I hope this was sufficient for today, don't worry guys I have PLENTY of interesting stories for y'all you won't want to miss, what can I say my life is pretty crazy.

Until next time, Muah!